Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Suitable Farewell

Bidding adieu has always been a very tough task for most of the people. It is same case with me. But the toughness is differential in nature. There are always three kinds of people. First are those people to whom we can bid goodbye without much difficulty. They are good friends and wishing them goodbye and great future will be an enjoyable moment. Second is the category to which bidding goodbye is indifferent. So far I have seen people in both the categories. But the macro-majority of them belonged to the first category.

There is a third category of people. To this category of people I have never been able to get my acts together and utter 'goodbye' because I never wanted to do that. With such people I can only exchange silent glances. A farewell party becomes more valuable and memorable only when there are more people to whom one cannot bid goodbye but only silent glances.

The farewell at LIBA was a valuable and memorable one because there were a few belonging to the third category. Though I wasn’t there due to ‘some’ reasons, it was a suitable farewell for me.

When I joined LIBA I had my fair share of ups and downs of life. I did not expect a lot of metamorphosis to happen here. To my surprise LIBA managed to make deep impressions on me. Most of it came from the most unexpected quarter, my peers. Most of my peers were unique individuals and offered me some unique lessons. I learned a few and missed a few. The collective impact of my peer group helped me to learn a lot about myself. Thank you guys for all those invaluable, timeless lessons.(The picture shows some of the good friends I earned at LIBA.)

No farewell will be complete without confessions and apologies. First let me start with general confession and apology. I tried my level best not to hurt anybody here but certain times I failed. I own responsibility for my rude behavior and apologize to all my peers whom I have hurt knowingly or unknowingly.

In my opinion the most abominable sin is hurting someone who loves you truly. I committed that heinous sin too. No apology can be sincere in this case. Hence I would like to make your apology contingent upon my not committing this sin again. I hope this would be a fitting punishment.

Time cooks all of us in its cauldron’ said Yudhishtra in Mahabharata. With passing time many of our priorities may change. There may be someday when I see one of my good friends on some road and that friend doesn’t have time to stop by me and say ‘hello’. I am also prone to such behavior. When such a thing happens let us not curse each other. Our priorities are bound to change with passing time – a very natural phenomenon.

Now it is time for us to break our hiatus at LIBA and venture into the real world that keeps throwing surprises at us every moment. Let us try and live a worthy life. Wish you all the very best.


Boni said...

The best in your life is yet to come Karthi!!!

T.Karthikeyan said...

@ Boniface: Thank you Boni.